วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sarcopenia: With the aging muscle loss occurs be

In physically inactive people, there is a loss of about [-0.5%] of muscle mass every year 25-60, and a corresponding decrease in muscle strength. Aged 60 year old, has doubled the rate of loss,%, to about 1. E 'doubled the age of 70, again at the age of 80 and then again at the age of 90

As the translation of the work on the human body? We lose muscle mass and muscle mass is replaced by fat cells. In general, an individual is asked why developing a pocket "good, orBecause the thighs or buttocks are on the rise. We know that they are gaining muscle mass in these areas, but the muscle mass gain and loss of body fat cells in size. Most people can imagine, this process also in their bodies from the age of 30.

Inactive people have) is usually servere atrophy (loss of muscle mass, but people active muscle atrophy may also occur. The greatest loss is experienced with the fast-twitch (FT) as a function of slow twitch (ST) muscles . The FTThe muscles are used for high intensity, anaerobic movements) (lifting weights, while the ST for activities such as running are engaged, dancing, cycling, etc.

With increasing age and inactivity, atrophy is in fast-twitch (FT) fibers, which are set at high intensity, anaerobic movements seen. Although sarcopenia have seen, especially in physically active is also evident in individuals who remain physically active throughout life. This finding suggests thatLack of exercise is not the only factor for sarcopenia. Current research is that the development of multi-factor Sarcopenia is a process. Many factors, such as physical inactivity, motor-unit conversion decreased hormone levels and a decrease in protein synthesis, may contribute to sarcopenia. Fortunately, sarcopenia is partly reversible with appropriate exercise interventions.

The purpose of this article is to focus on sarcopenia, and the importance of resistanceOf training and prevent reversing its effects. The other important aspect is the decline of hormones and the reduction of protein synthesis to build and maintain muscle mass. These are also the consequences of the aging process that few people are aware.

What are the causes of sarcopenia?

The aging process of reducing physical inactivity production of hormones in the body with advancing age I. Testosterone - II. The human growth hormone, decreased capacity for protein synthesis inhuman body, as we women age, estrogen levels may play a role in the development of the game sarcopenia, during and after menopause. This research topic is limited, but it seems that many women think they develop a "bag" after menopause.I be mentioned hormones and proteins, but I want to keep the focus of this article to sarcopenia. I will work on hormones and proteins for another article. Why endurance or strength training is mentioned so oftenWeight loss? We know that strength training is anaerobic - The term anaerobic is defined as "without oxygen". Anaerobic exercise the muscles at high intensity and a high rate of work for a short period. Anaerobic activity (weight) helps us increase our muscle strength and thus increases the muscle mass. If your strength increases, thus increasing the size of muscle cells.

When we return to where this article started ... Sarcopenia can be stopped andreversed with the proper training of the weight. In addition, the muscle mass is, it is known as the lean body mass. For every 10 pounds of muscle that we carry in our body, consumes 500 calories a day, is that to maintain body mass.

Yes, you can run or walk the more calories you burn, but these activities do not increase muscle mass, as well as weight training.

Considering the strength training, such as curling, watching television 2 or 3 lbs dumbbells, like you, you should check with a local weightLifting trainer or join a health club. These persons or organizations will help you achieve your goals safely and competently. It is extremely important that you learn the right techniques and the withdrawal form (s). Appropriate training, the results in order to ensure safety and prevent injury.

Just Do It!

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