วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Premethrin - a non-toxic tick repellent that Works

In the northeast United States, there are two types of ticks.

Wood ticks are large and obviously bothersome, do not cause disease. Deer ticks, barely visible to the naked eye, were introduced in the northeastern United States 30 years ago and carry Lyme disease. These microscopic invaders have influenced the nature of experience, almost as much urban sprawl.

If I had a nickel for every person who told me that it is time to avoid its limit outdoor activities during the winter, ticks, I have aBillionaire.

I do not leave home without my pre-trek preparation, which makes me even deadly to ticks. So what's my secret?

A derivative of Ripe Daisy dried chrysanthemum flowers. The insecticidal properties of these plants have been since the 18th century rules:

Permethrin. Worked for me in the last 7 years. I refer in particular to the injection pump and procedures used for the fiber, not a cream or ointment.

Permethrin is a synthetic chemicalDerivation mature dried Daisy Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium, better known as known pyrethrum flowers).

It 'available in sporting goods and camping supply stores. The product is effective in New York for two weeks, but there are products on the market, which last up to six weeks.

That's what I do:

* In a well-ventilated area, apply permethrin all clothing, hats, shoes, gloves

* Pay particular attention to the neck, shoulder, hip, knee,Ankle range of garments

* Apply permethrin backpack, especially bracelets, tent, sleeping bag, stuff sacks

* Let items dry before packing

Why is it different from DEET, permethrin? Permethrin kills or stuns insects that come into contact with him. DEET insect is blocking the receptors for the antennae of insects find their host. Once permethrin has dried the clothes, will be so closely linked to the fibers that any potential for absorption through the skinnegligible.

Permethrin is safe for children and pets? During treatment with the pump or spray, take extra care not to close to water sources, ponds, or dishes to drink from the company. Permethrin is toxic to fish, but not yet shown to be toxic to birds. Although there are permethrin sprays specifically sold for the use of dogs, these products should never be used on cats. Because of their habits of government and the slow metabolism of permethrin, cats are much more sensitive to toxicity of permethrin. OncePermethrin has dried on any fabric, it is no longer toxic.

What happens when permethrin on the skin? I wash my hands, as usual after the application of permethrin. Everything I read indicates that it is poorly absorbed from the skin and excreted through the skin and the liver and inactivated. I have a history of acute skin allergies, so I wash my hands.

Permethrin can cause damage to the environment? Studies show that permethrin is degraded by sunlight, are easily degraded by microorganisms in the soil, andthat, once dried, is so closely tied to the fibers that do not melt or leach into the environment.

What other preventive measures can take the lover of nature?

* Know your enemy

Deer ticks can not jump or fly, and can not fall from an animal passage. Potential hosts (which are all wild birds and mammals belonging to acquire animals and people) to ticks only by direct contact with them. Once a tick latches on human skin generally climbs upward until it reaches aprotected or creased area, often the back of the knee, groin, navel, armpits, ears and neck. Then began the process of inserting the mouthparts into the skin until it reaches the blood supply.

* Planning ahead

When I build a debris shelter, I am applying DEET (diethyl-meta-toluamide) on my skin. I would not place DEET on children under 3 years. When applying DEET to children, a strong point of a maximum of 30% is recommended, but ask your pediatrician. Do you have a check markThe plan and the plan to remove a tick.

* Awareness is a tool for survival

Ticks, which are not linked do not transmit diseases. Not all ticks carry the infection, and once bitten, it takes 36-48 hours to begin to tick to transmit the disease.

* Avoid the wrong moves

Touching a tick with a hot match, grinding, turning, apply petroleum jelly, alcohol or any other irritating are not effective and may increase the risk of infection.

* Practice propermoves

Remove a tick kit or a pair of precision tweezers to an end with the tips pointed unrasped close tightly when pressed firmly together. Practice holding the tweezers, so if it is possible to grasp the tick by the head or mouthparts right one in which penetrate the skin, and tighten, quietly and directly to the outside. Resist the temptation to resort to the competent body, snap or twist to remove it.

* Check the proper disposal

Alcohol kills ticks. I broke, but now Ior wrap in a towlette alcohol and implement, in a container or place them in a glass of alcohol, if I find them around on me.

* Protect the skin from sun and wind, damage

Some people wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, which is certainly effective. I like the shorts and tank tops, so I spent at least 30 SPF sunscreen. So DEET carry the air of pollen and what was on my skin. I make it a point to wash exposed skin with colloidal oatmeal too. When I am on a long road, Iprotection once again the day or after swimming. Otherwise, I wash my skin when I get home.

In summer, I spray my furniture and curtains with permethrin, only when a tick finds its way into the interior. I've never seen a check with me for over two years and are not bitten by a tick in over five years. Maybe I'm just happy, but I've given the way I like, I'm confident to explore these methods effectively.

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